Exhibition of new drawings from the Dark Matter project opens tomorrow at Peter Scott Gallery Lancaster.
The mind-boggling proposition that 95% of our universe is invisible is the starting point for this exhibition developed by cosmologist Kostas Dimopoulos, LICA lecturer and artist Sarah Casey, and anthropologist of science, Rebecca Ellis.
The exhibition explores cosmological ‘imperceptibility’: the idea that our universe is entering an era of accelerated expansion, attributed to a mysterious ‘Dark Energy’ substance, whose nature and origin is unknown. In fact only 4% of our universe is visible. How does cosmology study these imperceptible forces in our universe? How are they revealed and what might this mean for our understanding the nature of our universe?
The exhibition officially opens on the 11th December 2015 at the Peter Scott Gallery, with a Gallery talk by artist Sarah Casey at 5.15pm, followed by a drinks reception at 6pm. The exhibition continues from the 15th December 2015- 14th January 2016, weekdays 12- 5pm.
The exhibition is part of ‘ Dark Matters’ an AHRC Science in Culture Innovation Award project and is supported by The Institute of Physics and Lancaster University.